Friday, February 29, 2008

Pot Roast

It is freezing today, so I thought I should make something that will warm all of us up. Pot Roast is one of the best comfort foods, and it is really easy, I have once again decided to use my crock pot.The great thing about slow cooking meat is you can make even the most inexpensive cut of meat tender.

Ingredient List
1 4-5 pound roast, any cut will do
1 medium onion
tomato paste, just a couple of tablespoons
2-3 beef bullion packets
garlic powder
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup all-purpose flour

To start just place the roast in the crock pot, now just slice the onion and place on top of the roast,in a bowl combine the tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, beef bouillon,and about a cup of water, pour this mixture over roast and onion. Set your crock pot to low and it will take about 8 hours. High and it will take about 6. The best way to tell that the roast is done is that the meat will fall apart. the next step is to make the gravy. Pour all of the liquid from the crock pot into a large saucepan, you need to bring this to a boil, while you are waiting for this, mix the flour with cold water in a bowl, a whisk is best for this make sure there are no lumps, now when the liquid is boiling add the flour mixture, using your whisk continue stirring the liquid after about 2 minutes you will see everything start to thicken up, if it gets too thick add more water, if it is too thin you can make another slurry (that is what the flour and water mix is called). Once things have thickened up you can turn the heat to low, and you can carve your roast. I like to make mashed potatoes, homemade bread and carrots to go along with this.

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